Hand in hand with financial giants, environmental NGOs wield increasing influence over natural resource management in debtor nations, undermining their sovereignty. The author warns against the rising financialization of conservation and calls for safeguarding the rights of local populations from the expanding influence of US financial interests.
EU-Guinea-Bissau SFPA: progress for the artisanal sector, but European-owned vessels slip through the net
Although the protocol does not allow European fleets to fish for small pelagics because they are overexploited, at least 4 European vessels have reportedly reflagged to Guinea-Bissau and are fishing for these species in the region, jeopardising the region's food security and competing with small-scale fisheries.
A CFP external dimension fit for the future: more focus on good governance, less on paying access rights for EU fleets
The author makes 4 recommendations to make the external dimension of the CFP more effective: (1) the EU should shift from access agreements to fisheries governance agreements, while (2) continuing to support informed participation of stakeholders in third countries; (3) it should also ensure that all vessels of EU origin, including those reflagged, abide by sustainability standards; and (4) it should actively engage, at international level, to promote transparent, fair, and sustainable access arrangements applicable to all fleets of foreign origin fishing in developing countries.
The Gambia-EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations: Questions arising
With Senegal’s yellow card, fisheries agreement negotiations between the EU and Senegal are at a standstill. Meanwhile, the EU will negotiate the renewal of its SFPA with The Gambia, whose waters are bordered on both sides by Senegal’s. How would access to the Gambian waters be used by EU fleets, at a time when they may be barred from Senegal waters?
Yellow card Senegal: the fight against IUU fishing must also be waged in the coastal zone
At a time when the fisheries agreement is being renegotiated, Senegal is initiating a formal dialogue with the EU on the fight against IUU fishing. As part of this dialogue, the European Union has a responsibility to improve controls on vessels of European origin, and to impose heavy penalties when they fail to comply with the rules.
São Tomé and Príncipe to develop offshore artisanal fisheries. Will the EU’s SFPA help?
In this article, the author delves into the impacts of climate change and other challenges for São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) small-scale fishing communities. To develop the sector, the government is looking to develop offshore artisanal fishing. The author examines the factors that need to be considered for the upcoming renewal of the protocol of the EU-STP Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA).
States have an obligation to act against beneficial owners of vessels involved in IUU fishing
In this article, Pieter van Welzen argues that states have an obligation to act against their nationals who are beneficial owners and are involved in illegal, unreported, and unregulated IUU fishing activities. For this, the author talks about the challenges for flag and coastal states to fight against IUU fishing in many cases, introduces indications in international law for beneficial owner state responsibility and summarizes key state practice.
The best way EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements contribute to food security is by protecting and promoting artisanal fisheries
Removing obstacles to co-management of West African artisanal fisheries
West Africa has pioneered several decades of artisanal fisheries management reform. Yet there are still major obstacles to co-management: a lack of political will reflected in low budgetary allocations; inadequate and poorly targeted support for fisher organizations; poorly defined roles and responsibilities of fishers in co-management; lack of enforcement of inshore exclusive zones; and inadequate defense of human rights and particularly the important role of women.
‘It takes two to tango’ – EU fishing partnerships agreements must become more attractive to partner countries
The Commission’s SFPA evaluation concludes that they are“fit for purpose” and identifies areas for improvement in the implementation of the governance framework. Most of these areas are under the responsibility of the partner country, which suggests that there is a lack of commitment from some partner countries to make these fishing agreements a success.
EU-Senegal fisheries partnership: transparency is essential at all levels
In a contribution sent to the European Commission, co-signed with 8 other civil society and environmental organisations, we highlight the most important points to be taken into account for the renewal of the protocol, to ensure that the fishing agreement has a positive impact for small-scale coastal fishing communities.
FAO Sub-Committee on Fish Trade: The role of women in fisheries must be better recognised
The EU must develop fisheries specific due diligence legislation
The Spanish presidency of the EU is seeking to finalise the negotiations for a corporate accountability directive before the end of December 2023, which would see European based companies take some degree of responsibility for what they do in third countries. We look at some key issues at stake for the third countries small scale fishers.
Transparency, protected and equitable access to resources: the stakes of the EU-Mauritius agreement for small-scale fisheries
The European Parliament is set to give its consent at the end of May to the new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) between the EU and Mauritius. This article outlines the challenges that Mauritian artisanal fisheries face and highlights the priorities for sectoral support in the future SFPA protocol to support this sector.
Don’t miss the woods for the tree: Beyond FADs, overcapacity in Indian Ocean tuna fisheries needs to be addressed
At the beginning of February, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Contracting Parties, meeting in Kenya, adopted Conservation and Management Measures on both anchored and drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). These measures were welcomed by many Indian Ocean nations that consider FADs one of the main reasons of tuna overfishing in the region. An article by Beatrice Gorez and Hélène Bours.
Will a "CFP tomorrow" support sustainable artisanal fisheries in Africa?
PRESS RELEASE: On 21 February, the Commission presented several measures to improve the sustainability of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector. It includes four elements: Energy Transition, an Action Plan to protect and restore marine ecosystems, a Communication on the "common fisheries policy today and tomorrow and a Report on the Common Market Organisation for fishery and aquaculture products. How will these impact African small-scale fishing communities?
The new fishing agreement between Seychelles and Taiwan is now public. But will tuna fisheries sustainability improve as a result?
For several decades, The Seychelles’ access agreements with Taiwanese companies contained articles preventing the publication of content without prior written approval of the other party. In 2021, as part of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative process, The Seychelles Government announced it would endeavour to remove confidentiality clauses from their fishing agreement.
A year for artisanal fishers is not enough
2022, the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), has been a pivotal year for small-scale fisheries, meeting the UN’s goal of raising awareness about the role they play in employment, food security, nutrition, livelihoods, culture, and coastal communities well-being. Beyond recognition, there is an urgent need for concrete action in securing their access to marine resources and markets, as promised by States under Sustainable Development Goal 14.b.
Financing the 30x30 agenda for the Oceans: Debt for Nature swaps should be rejected
Joint statement - In the delivering on 30x30 and financing conservation, debt for nature swaps are gaining momentum. However, debt swaps should be rejected as they lack transparency and give undue power to foreign organisations over the policies of marine resources management of developing and small-island states.
Moving towards sustainable fisheries in Africa: A FAO discussion on foreign fishing access arrangements is essential
In this article, the author reviews the recent FAO access arrangements mapping report which focuses on access to developing countries waters by fleets of foreign origin. According to the FAO, this report is a first step towards facilitating “the identification of opportunities to enhance the trade of fisheries-related services, particularly for developing countries” with the objective of making access arrangements fairer and more sustainable.