The Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) is registered in the European Union Transparency Register as a non-governmental organisation that targets EU Fisheries, Development and (fish) Trade Policies.


CFFA in figures

Click on image to download our latest financial audit.

Click on the image for more information about the team.

Click on the image to download our latest activity report.

Click on the image to download our latest activity report.

Click on image to access the register.

Click on image to access the register.


Our policies

We follow these rules drafted in March 2023 by artisanal fisheries organisations. Click on the image to download the pdf.

Fish logo .jpg

Click on the image to downoad our carbon footprint policy.

Click on the image to download.

Click on the image to download.


Our latest reports


CFFA advocated for breaking the English-only approach to dialogue with small-scale fishers, and coordinated joint statements by Environmental NGOs and SSF organisations.


With the restrictions linked to the fight against Covid-19, CFFA has been able to adapt its work online, raising awareness the epidemic impacts on African artisanal fisheries.


CFFA supported the Call to Action from artisanal fisheries which was lauched during IYAFA by small-scale fishing organisations from 5 continents.


As agreed by CFFA Steering committee end of 2018, following a recommendation from our strategic audit, CFFA recruited a Communications officer.


In the run up to the International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), CFFA developed communication material on the key role of African artisanal fisheries.


CFFA focused on advocacy to the EU and on supporting CAOPA initiatives towards the implementation of the FAO Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries.