Regional Management

Liberian fishers are essential for food security: Investing in them must be the cornerstone of any EU-Liberia relation

Liberian fishers are essential for food security: Investing in them must be the cornerstone of any EU-Liberia relation

SSF are threatened by competition from foreign industrial fleets, declining fisheries resources, and management measures that undermine its sustainable development. While EU-funded projects aim to address these issues by promoting sustainable fisheries governance, structural challenges, including inadequate enforcement of the Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ), remain.

EU-Mauritania SFPA – Joint Committee ahead: small pelagic fish goes under the spotlight

EU-Mauritania SFPA – Joint Committee ahead: small pelagic fish goes under the spotlight

The Joint Committee of the EU-Mauritania SFPA will meet in Nouakchott from 4 to 6 December 2024. In this article, the author makes a number of recommendations in the light of the conclusions of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). In its latest report, CECAF described the catastrophic situation of shared stocks of small pelagics and recommended a substantial and immediate reduction in fishing effort of 60% for flat and round sardinella.

The Gambia-EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations: Questions arising

The Gambia-EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations: Questions arising

With Senegal’s yellow card, fisheries agreement negotiations between the EU and Senegal are at a standstill. Meanwhile, the EU will negotiate the renewal of its SFPA with The Gambia, whose waters are bordered on both sides by Senegal’s. How would access to the Gambian waters be used by EU fleets, at a time when they may be barred from Senegal waters?

West Africa: The EU should promote human consumption over the production of fishmeal and fish oil

West Africa: The EU should promote human consumption over the production of fishmeal and fish oil

JOINT LETTER: 11 African artisanal fisheries organisations and development NGOs send a letter to Commissioners Virginius Sinkevicius and Jutta Urpilainen asking them to use the crucial voice of the EU through Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements and the EU-Africa partnership to address the impending food crisis in the West African region linked to the fishmeal and fishoil production.

EU-Mauritania SFPA: scientists highlight key sustainability issues, do not consider coral reefs protection

EU-Mauritania SFPA: scientists highlight key sustainability issues, do not consider coral reefs protection

The latest minutes of the meeting of the last Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Mauritania reveal that there is still a long way to go to ensure that all EU fleets active in Mauritania fish sustainably, particularly as regards the control and limitation of by-catches and discards.

Don’t miss the woods for the tree: Beyond FADs, overcapacity in Indian Ocean tuna fisheries needs to be addressed

Don’t miss the woods for the tree: Beyond FADs, overcapacity in Indian Ocean tuna fisheries needs to be addressed

At the beginning of February, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Contracting Parties, meeting in Kenya, adopted Conservation and Management Measures on both anchored and drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). These measures were welcomed by many Indian Ocean nations that consider FADs one of the main reasons of tuna overfishing in the region. An article by Beatrice Gorez and Hélène Bours.

Fisheries management in West Africa: the example of sardinella

Fisheries management in West Africa: the example of sardinella

In this article first published in French in Annuaire Droit Maritime et Océanique, Université de Nantes, tome 40 XL (2022), the author calls for the establishment of a sardinellas Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) between Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania.

West Africa: PESCAO should be more effective and attentive to artisanal fisheries

West Africa: PESCAO should be more effective and attentive to artisanal fisheries

The PESCAO programme for the improvement of fisheries governance in West Africa, financed by the EU from the 11th EDF Regional funds, started in June 2017 and will end in June 2024. After nearly 4 years, an evaluation is underway to assess the results obtained and to see how to improve its implementation, in a context where the countries of the ECOWAS region are focusing on the development of a blue economy strategy.

EU-Mauritania SFPA: The requests of the Mauritanian artisanal fisheries and civil society

EU-Mauritania SFPA: The requests of the Mauritanian artisanal fisheries and civil society

This week the European Parliament is discussing a first draft by rapporteur Izaskun Bilbao on the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Mauritania. This agreement is of great interest to the EU fisheries sector and is the most expensive of all fisheries agreements between the EU and third countries.

Joint statement - European and African decision-makers should join forces to support sustainable artisanal fisheries in Africa

Joint statement - European and African decision-makers should join forces to support sustainable artisanal fisheries in Africa

In view of the summit that will bring together the leaders of the European Union and the African Union in Brussels on 17th and 18th February 2022 and in the context of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), six civil society and professional organisations call the EU and AU to take concrete action in three key areas. Click on the link to read more.

The new EU-Mauritania agreement: towards a sustainable management of small pelagics in West Africa?

The new EU-Mauritania agreement: towards a sustainable management of small pelagics in West Africa?

In this third article in the series on fisheries in Mauritania, the authors review the state of overexploitation of small pelagic stocks, look at the ways the EU SFPA seeks to address the issue and come back to the demand of several stakeholders for a regional fisheries management organisation for shared small pelagic stocks.

International Ocean Governance: more can be done to promote socially and environmentally sustainable fisheries

International Ocean Governance: more can be done to promote socially and environmentally sustainable fisheries

Ahead of the EU IOG conference from 14 to 16 December, it is essential to recall the role of sustainable fisheries in providing livelihoods in coastal areas and its contribution to food security.

World Fisheries Day: How the EU can support sustainable African artisanal fisheries

World Fisheries Day: How the EU can support sustainable African artisanal fisheries

In this declaration on the occasion of World Fisheries Day, CFFA calls on the European Union to integrate the FAO Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale fisheries into all its policies that have an impact on this sector, particularly in the Blue Economy and Farm to Fork strategies and in its external action.

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations between the EU and Mauritania: staying on course

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations between the EU and Mauritania: staying on course

As a new round of negotiations between the EU and Mauritania is expected to start soon, this position paper recalls the demands of the Mauritanian artisanal fisheries sector, highlighting technical conditions, such as the access to octopus to be reserved for local artisanal fishers, the zoning for trawlers to be maintained, and landings of small pelagics to be kept. Governance issues are also key, such as transparency, especially regarding the activities of other foreign fleets; and the urgent need for the SFPA to contribute to regional management for shared stocks.

Local fisheries stakeholders react to the new EU-Seychelles SFPA and protocol

Local fisheries stakeholders react to the new EU-Seychelles SFPA and protocol

As the proposal is being discussed at the European Parliament PECH committee, FBOA asks for more transparency and participation throughout the whole agreement negotiation process and expresses the necessity to reduce FADs and supply vessels in the EEZ.

Mauritania: How the EU agreement can be used to improve fisheries management

Mauritania: How the EU agreement can be used to improve fisheries management

As the EU is negotiating a new protocol under the existing agreement, concrete steps should be taken to ensure the sustainable exploitation of sardinella in the region, including increased sampling of small pelagic catches, applying the recommendations of the FAO working group and starting consultations with neighbouring countries on joint management of shared stocks.

“Round sardinella, key for food security in West Africa, is further declining”

“Round sardinella, key for food security in West Africa, is further declining”

The limited data available show that the stock of round sardinella in North Western Africa has been further reduced in the most recent years by an increase of fishing effort. The main cause of this increased effort is the development of a fishmeal industry in the region.