The Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, established by the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), is holding its 19th session this week in Bergen, Norway.
Among the topics discussed at this meeting are global developments in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, market access issues and topics concerning social responsibility in these sectors.
Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that UN member states have agreed to achieve by 2030, Goal 14b calls on governments to ensure access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries. We take a look at what is at stake for small-scale fisheries in Africa, in the context of the issues being discussed by this sub-committee.
More light on women’s work in fishing
In Africa, as in many developing countries, women are the essential link for bringing fish to consumers. Nevertheless, their work is still not recognised, their contribution, including in terms of innovation, is not valued, and their working and living conditions are disastrous. The preparatory documents for the sub-committee mention that women have been hard hit by the restrictions linked to the COVID-19 crisis, but it should also be remembered that often, during this crisis, women in small-scale fisheries continued, despite the difficulties, to supply the market with fish, thus avoiding a food crisis.
Given that the sub-committee is providing guidance for the FAO's future work in the field of international trade in fishery and aquaculture products, "primarily to enable developing countries and small-scale producers to participate more effectively", it is vital to recognise the role of women in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, and to work to improve their living and working conditions. This could be done at several levels:
National and regional action plans
Provisions exist in many regions enshrining the free movement of goods and people, but in practice there are still many barriers to regional trade in fisheries products, including harassment of women at processing sites, markets, along trade routes and at border controls.
The FAO's support for the introduction of national action plans for small-scale fishing is welcome. However, as the Confédération africaine d'organisations professionnelles de pêche artisanale (CAOPA) (African Confederation of Artisanal Fisheries Professional Organisations) points out, "it is essential that these action plans are implemented using a transparent, participatory and gender-sensitive approach".
In addition, in order to facilitate trade in artisanal fisheries products at regional level, thought should also be given to developing regional action plans. This has already been discussed, for example, at the level of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, in April 2022, where the ministers of fisheries and aquaculture agreed to "prioritise the creation of a legislative and regulatory environment favorable to small-scale fishing and its specificities at national and regional levels".
The link between markets, the use of aquatic resources and food security
The Sub-Committee will also discuss the connection between markets and the use of fish resources. Emphasis has been placed on the issue of the use of small pelagic fish, which in many West African countries are the basis of food security, but which, on the other hand, are diverted to produce fishmeal and fish oil. As civil society and artisanal fishing organisations in Africa have been denouncing for years, the production of fishmeal and fish oil in West Africa is totally incompatible with the sustainable and rational use of resources.
Banner photo: A woman fish processor stores fish in a freezer in Guinea Bissau, by Carmen Abd Ali.
In September 2024, the Ministers responsible for Fisheries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) met in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) to discuss the theme ‘ Accelerating action for sustainable and resilient oceans, fisheries and aquaculture in OECP member countries and regions’.