The EU Long Distance Advisory Council (LDAC) and CFFA have published the report of the seminar on European fishing investments in third countries they jointly organized last May in Berlin, in the headquarters of the NGO Bread For the World.
The European Transport Federation (ETF) examines the new social clause in European fisheries agreements
Senegal fishers lodge a complaint against energy companies for failing to exercise due diligence in their GTA project
African and European stakeholders call for the development of a regulatory framework for sustainable fisheries joint ventures
Liberian artisanal fishers oppose further unravelling of their fishing zone to let trawlers in
In April 2024, the Liberian National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) invited several fisheries stakeholders to validate a draft fisheries management plan for a multi-species deep-water shrimp fishery, which are very vulnerable and already over-exploited. LAFA deplores the absence of an appropriate stakeholder engagement during the development of the plan.
Publication of the list of vessels authorised to fish in Senegal: "The fight for transparency in fisheries is only beginning"
Senegalese civil society outlines the challenges of the new president's programme for small-scale fisheries
UNOC 2025: Fishers’ Call to Action raises global attention
African countries to develop guidelines for the negotiation of fair and transparent fisheries agreements
Lövin: "In the CFP there are provisions for prioritizing giving fishing access to those that fish in the most responsible way"
CFFA commits to fishers rules of conduct and encourages others to follow suite
The Coalition marks its support to the document by a letter to CFFA’s main partner, CAOPA, and pledges to abide by it in its work with artisanal fisheries organisations. By this action, the network wishes to lead by example so that other partners wishing to support small-scale fishing apply these standards too.
Senegalese small-scale fishers denounce the granting of new fishing licences
"The European Union must be credible and demonstrate that EU taxpayer’s money is well spent in support of sustainable fishing”
From 8 different African countries, representatives of coastal fishing communities participated to a seminar on the external dimension of the CFP hosted by the EU Long Distance Fisheries Advisory Council (LDAC) in Sweden and then travelled to Brussels where they exchanged with decision-makers from the Commission and the European Parliament.
Indian Ocean fishers and civil society call for more transparency and diligence in the management of tuna stocks
“Nothing about us without us”: fishers draft rules of conduct for how to work with them to save the oceans
China's capture of Ghana's fishing industry is threatening food security
Even though it is illegal for foreign vessels to fish in Ghana, over the last decade Chinese-owned vessels have proliferated. Journalist Kwabena Adu Koranteng investigates how business people well connected with power act as fronts for Chinese fishing industry. Ghana loses 50M€/year but more concerning is the fact that severe overfishing is impacting food security and nutrition in the country.
Small-scale fishers' "little babel" speaks with one voice at UN oceans conference
MEPs call on the Commission to use fisheries partnership agreements as a lever for regional management in West Africa
The European Parliament's Fisheries Committee has highlighted the impact of the fishmeal industry in Mauritania on the food security of West African populations and called on Mauritania, the EU and neighbouring countries to support and "initiate an international dialogue" for the creation of an RFMO for shared stocks.