To mark International Women's Day, and taking advantage of her visit to Brussels as part of the Fisheries and Oceans Dialogues organised by the European Commission, we interview Raïssa Madou, a fish processor in Côte d'Ivoire.
The European Transport Federation (ETF) examines the new social clause in European fisheries agreements
UN rapporteur on the Right to Food to governments: “Fishers have the answers to adapt to climate change and you have the tools to uphold their rights”
Côte d'Ivoire: "Thanks to this refrigerated container, women processors and fishmongers in San Pedro are able to get by"
Two years after receiving funding from the EU-Côte d'Ivoire SFPA to buy a refrigerated container, we examine how the women of the Société Coopérative de Femmes Mareyeuses Grossistes et Détaillantes in the fishing port of San Pedro are faring. Beyond fish preservation, enabling women to become autonomous remains a challenge.
"The European Union must be credible and demonstrate that EU taxpayer’s money is well spent in support of sustainable fishing”
From 8 different African countries, representatives of coastal fishing communities participated to a seminar on the external dimension of the CFP hosted by the EU Long Distance Fisheries Advisory Council (LDAC) in Sweden and then travelled to Brussels where they exchanged with decision-makers from the Commission and the European Parliament.
To go far, you have to be together. The Ivorian women in artisanal fisheries can tell you how
This article by Andréa Durighello analyses, through the example of the Ivory Coast, the value of women's cooperatives and associations in African artisanal fisheries: in the professionalisation of the trade, in strengthening capacities, in representing women in professional organisations and, above all, in responding unitedly to the hazards of life.
The number of deaths of African artisanal fishers is devastatingly high, says new research
“People think the fishing business is for the illiterate, but they cannot be more wrong”
A local initiative to save turtles to turn into the biggest co-managed MPA in Côte d'Ivoire
The Grand Béréby Marine Protected Area will cover about 2400 square kilometers of ocean and will include a 54 km stretch of coastal water, to be “free from industrial fishing”. Besides vital fisheries, the area is home to endangered populations of leatherback, olive ridley and green sea turtles and threatened populations of sharks and rays.
“Our business is to create jobs for our communities”
EU-AU Summit: African fisheries stakeholders speak with one voice
With two weeks to go before the summit that will bring together the leaders of the European Union and the African Union in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2022, the team that has taken over the reins of AFRIFISH - the continental platform that brings together non-state actors in African fisheries - is determined to make itself heard.
Something cool for Côte d'Ivoire women fish processors will give them more power in the marketplace
Access to refrigeration is difficult for women in fisheries in many West African countries. With a first trial in San Pedro which has guaranteed the supply of fish to women in Abidjan, now it’s the Grand Béréby women fish processors who are expecting a refrigerated truck, a container and an ice machine. An article by Rich Press.