
Liberian artisanal fishers oppose further unravelling of their fishing zone to let trawlers in

Liberian artisanal fishers oppose further unravelling of their fishing zone to let trawlers in

In April 2024, the Liberian National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) invited several fisheries stakeholders to validate a draft fisheries management plan for a multi-species deep-water shrimp fishery, which are very vulnerable and already over-exploited. LAFA deplores the absence of an appropriate stakeholder engagement during the development of the plan.

Liberian fishers protest against the potential issuance of fishing licences to six Chinese supertrawlers

Liberian fishers protest against the potential issuance of fishing licences to six Chinese supertrawlers

Recently built in China, these vessels, Hao Yuan Yu 860, 861, 862, 863, 865 and 866, arrived mid-June in Monrovia after failing to undertake fishing operations in Mozambique. This demand follows a trend of licence requests by vessels of Chinese origin in several West African countries, such as Senegal and Ghana.

Protest against IUU fishing in Liberia

Over two hundred and fifty local fishermen and women from various fishing communities in Liberia recently gathered at the Ministry of Agriculture to protest against illegal fishing activities within Liberian waters. Local fishermen said the protest was prompted by brutality allegedly inflicted on one of their colleagues by the occupants of an unlicensed Korean vessel within the Liberian territorial waters. In a statement, the protesters called on the Government of Liberia to take urgent action in enforcing the issuance of new fishery regulations and the moratorium on industrial fishing licenses. According to local fishermen of the LAFA, the Inshore Exclusive Zone (IEZ) of six nautical miles which is supposed to be reserved for them is being routinely exploited day and night by illegal fishing vessels.