Food security

The EU new approach on blue economy should recognize that artisanal fisheries are the main provider of "Ocean Livelihoods" in Africa

The EU new approach on blue economy should recognize that artisanal fisheries are the main provider of "Ocean Livelihoods" in Africa

The Commission’s recently published communication still shies away from acknowledging the threat that other blue economy sector represent for fishing communities, who are by far the most vulnerable in such a competitive environment.

Food promotion policy –the EU should encourage quality over quantity seafood consumption

Food promotion policy –the EU should encourage quality over quantity seafood consumption

This article looks at the sustainability concerns of both wild-caught fisheries and industrial aquaculture and argue that the EU should not promote seafood consumption but focus on providing accurate and complete information to consumers and look into the wider environmental and social sustainability issues throughout the fish value chain.

International Ocean Governance: more can be done to promote socially and environmentally sustainable fisheries

International Ocean Governance: more can be done to promote socially and environmentally sustainable fisheries

Ahead of the EU IOG conference from 14 to 16 December, it is essential to recall the role of sustainable fisheries in providing livelihoods in coastal areas and its contribution to food security.

World Fisheries Day: How the EU can support sustainable African artisanal fisheries

World Fisheries Day: How the EU can support sustainable African artisanal fisheries

In this declaration on the occasion of World Fisheries Day, CFFA calls on the European Union to integrate the FAO Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale fisheries into all its policies that have an impact on this sector, particularly in the Blue Economy and Farm to Fork strategies and in its external action.

Replacing fisheries and decarbonizing the sector? We should not expect it from industrial aquaculture

Replacing fisheries and decarbonizing the sector? We should not expect it from industrial aquaculture

This position paper explores the false promises of industrial aquaculture, highlights the key sustainability issues of promoting farming of carnivorous fish species, such as salmon, underscores the environmental and social impacts throughout the whole value chain and explains why the EU should stop promoting seafood coming from industrial aquaculture and instead focus on promoting sustainable small-scale and low impact fisheries and aquaculture.

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations between the EU and Mauritania: staying on course

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement negotiations between the EU and Mauritania: staying on course

As a new round of negotiations between the EU and Mauritania is expected to start soon, this position paper recalls the demands of the Mauritanian artisanal fisheries sector, highlighting technical conditions, such as the access to octopus to be reserved for local artisanal fishers, the zoning for trawlers to be maintained, and landings of small pelagics to be kept. Governance issues are also key, such as transparency, especially regarding the activities of other foreign fleets; and the urgent need for the SFPA to contribute to regional management for shared stocks.

EU Farm to Fork Strategy: Raising the ambition on global fisheries aspects

EU Farm to Fork Strategy:  Raising the ambition on global fisheries aspects

On World Food Day (16 October) we publish this short brief, which reviews the recommendations of the EU Food Policy Coalition on the global aspects of the EU Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, underscoring that F2F largely ignores seafood production, and highlights EU trade, cooperation and imports aspects that are essential for sustainable external fisheries.

Why the current African Union’s blue economy strategy threatens small-scale fisheries

Why the current African Union’s blue economy strategy threatens small-scale fisheries

In a public communication, African artisanal fisheries professional organisations warn on the risk of investing in polluting industries for short-term gains as African governments try to kick start their economies in the aftermath of COVID pandemic.

Issues for local artisanal communities in a potential future EU-Guinea SFPA

Issues for local artisanal communities in a potential future EU-Guinea SFPA

CFFA comments on the European Commission roadmap on a possible negotiation for a new fisheries agreement between the EU and the Republic of Guinea, which would grant access to European vessels in the Guinean EEZ, and underscores the key challenges local artisanal fisheries are facing.

Financial compensation, support for development and transparency, the key issues at stake in the negotiation of the EU-Madagascar SFPA

Financial compensation, support for development and transparency, the key issues at stake in the negotiation of the EU-Madagascar SFPA

The Government of Madagascar has made it clear that it expects to derive greater benefits from its tuna resources through higher financial compensation. If this compensation is coupled with well-directed sectoral support for local fisheries, this could help develop Madagascar's small-scale fishing sector, which provides thousands of jobs and is essential for food security.

Traditional fishing or small-scale maritime fishing in Madagascar: a state of play

Traditional fishing or small-scale maritime fishing in Madagascar: a state of play

The author highlights the enormous needs of traditional fishing, as well as the urgent problems of food security and stock depletion, but also proposes that improved resource management and aid present excellent opportunities for local development.

Amidst COVID-19 crisis, African artisanal fisheries are more than ever essential to feed the population

Amidst COVID-19 crisis, African artisanal fisheries are more than ever essential to feed the population

Through a micro-blog and the hashtag #covid_ssf and in collaboration with its partners, CFFA will publish news from African small-scale fisheries, the impacts of this crisis, and the measures authorities and fishing communities are implementing.

Contributing to the promotion of the women in fisheries livelihoods through SFPAs between EU and African countries

Contributing to the promotion of the women in fisheries livelihoods through SFPAs between EU and African countries

Women issues are largely overlooked when negotiating a fishing agreement, which reflects the general lack of awareness and data on their actual contribution to the whole fish value chain. These are some recommendations to make these EU-Africa partnerships more gender inclusive.

Mauritania: How the EU agreement can be used to improve fisheries management

Mauritania: How the EU agreement can be used to improve fisheries management

As the EU is negotiating a new protocol under the existing agreement, concrete steps should be taken to ensure the sustainable exploitation of sardinella in the region, including increased sampling of small pelagic catches, applying the recommendations of the FAO working group and starting consultations with neighbouring countries on joint management of shared stocks.

European industries must disinvest in West Africa’s booming fishmeal and fish oil sector

European industries must disinvest in West Africa’s booming fishmeal and fish oil sector

The growth of this sector, controlled by foreign investors and almost exclusively directed to foreign markets is rapidly depleting one of the most important natural resources for coastal communities in the region, who have not been consulted and are provided with almost no compensation.

Is Blue Growth compatible with securing small scale fisheries ?

Is Blue Growth compatible with securing small scale fisheries ?

In this new report, CFFA highlights six areas of concern that demonstrate how incompatible blue growth is with the development of healthy, sustainable artisanal fisheries and how it prevents the advance of the responsible governance of tenure to achieve food security and poverty eradication

The growth of fishmeal production in Mauritania: The implications for regional food security

The growth of fishmeal production in Mauritania:  The implications for regional food security

 Since 2010, the number of fishmeal factories in Mauritania has increased from 6 to 23, with most of these situated in the Northern port of Nouadhibou. Analysis of the fish being caught to supply these factories published in a recent paper provides a new insight into the regional migration of small-pelagic fish, casting some doubt on previous theories that have informed regional management advice. The government of Mauritania encouraged new investments in local fishmeal production in the belief this would target underexploited stocks of coastal species, with no overall impact on the availability of fish for direct human consumption. Yet there is now concern that the factories are relying on a different species, the round sardinella, which is a staple food in West Africa, but is now considered over-exploited by the FAO’s working group monitoring small-pelagic fish stocks in the region. 

Senegal: Sardinella fishery should be reserved for the artisanal fishing sector

This post is from Dr Sogui Diouf, Veterinary Doctor and former Director of Fisheries

Every year, when the cold season approaches, the Senegalese think about the Russian boats targeting small pelagic resources, which is when these boats come back and ask for fishing permits. The Russian fleet, which once caught 1,500,000 tonnes annually of small pelagic species along the Northwest coast of Africa, now only catches 400,000 tonnes.

In 2010, Russia, with the complicity of our then Minister of Fisheries, was granted permission to catch our coastal pelagic resources. But in April 2012, the new government ordered this fleet to cease its activities in Senegalese waters.

In 2013, a fishing agreement was signed between Russia and Guinea Bissau, offering Russia the opportunity to operate in the common maritime area between Senegal and Guinea-Bissau – once Russian vessels were in the common area, it made it easy for them to make illegal incursions in the waters of Senegal. This is how the vessel Oleg NAYDENOV came to be arrested in late 2013 for fishing in Senegalese waters without permission.

This year, we were wondering what strategy Russia was going to use...

Then we learned that, in September 2014, a Dakar based trading company, heading up a joint venture operation, had applied for ten licenses to fish for small pelagics from the Ministry of Fisheries, as a way to revive the fish processing company Africamer.  Africamer was founded in 1979, and processed 20,000 tons of fish annually, 85% of which was exported to Europe. With a fleet of 17 freezer trawlers, it employed 2,500 people. Between 2005 and 2008, Africamer, which was the largest Senegalese company in the fishing sector, got into difficulties due to management errors. In 2011, after several short lived attempts to revive the company, Africamer was put into liquidation.

By coincidence, at end of 2013, the representative of the Russia’s Federal Agency of Fisheries had filed a request along very similar lines to the office of the President of the Republic: fishing licenses for 10 trawlers, operating 6 months per year to catch 100,000 tons of small pelagic species, for 5 years. The request also mentioned the revival of Africamer. The similarities are so striking that one wonders if the 2014 demand from the Senegalese operator did not actually come from Russia’s Federal Agency of Fisheries.

In addition to the reopening of Africamer and the 10 licenses, the request from the Senegalese operator also proposed to create a shipyard and an aquaculture site. In order to realize this ambitious programme, the operator came up with a completely unrealistic proposal to invest only 11 billion FCFA (+ - EUR 17 million). Moreover, the resumption of the activities of Africamer would require a supply of fresh products to the factory – but products caught by the Russian boats benefitting from the ten licenses are frozen on board and packed at sea….

This proposal for a resumption of the Africamer factory is merely a ruse. The promises to recruit workers for Africamer will not materialize because products already frozen and packaged are not suitable to supply such a processing factory. The only way that Russia has found to bring back its fishing vessels to Senegalese waters is to use a lie.

At stake are our food security and our jobs.  In fact, fleets of foreign super trawlers fishing in the region compete directly with the artisanal fishing sector over access to the sardinella; a single stock that migrates between Morocco and Guinea Bissau passing through Mauritania and Senegal.

Sardinella occupies a very important place in Senegal fisheries, whether looked at from the landings, local consumption, jobs or exports. Some 60% of the 400,000 tons of the Senegalese artisanal fishery landings are made of sardinella. Nearly 12,000 Senegalese artisanal fishermen live only from the sardinella fishery. In addition, many related activities (artisanal processing and distribution) associated with the sardinella fishery are characterized by low barriers to entry in terms of capital, qualification and know-how and employ thousands of people. The importance of women in the artisanal processing sector is a favorable factor for poverty-reduction policies.

In terms of food security, sardinella is the most accessible source of animal protein in terms of price and quantity. Today, many Senegalese families can only be assured of one meal a day - lunch based on rice and sardinella.

Currently, the state of the sardinella resources is worrying. The FAO/CECAF working group held in June 2013, in Nouadhibou (Mauritania), found that, as in previous years, sardinella stocks are overexploited; fishing effort must be substantially reduced.

Senegalese artisanal fishers, aware of the overexploitation of sardinella, have already introduced restrictions including measures to prohibit the fishing, the marketing and the processing of juveniles sardinella, as well as temporary fishing closures.

Given this situation, we must, today, reserve sardinella for the artisanal fishing sector, while developing the measures already adopted for the regulation of the fishing effort on this resource.

It is a question of food security and social stability. 



Dr. Sogui Diouf

Veterinary Doctor

EU Tuna and small pelagic fleets obliged to land 'discards' - issues for developing countries

The new EU Common Fisheries Policy has introduced a 'discard ban', to be implemented through the introduction of a 'landing obligation' of all catches.

The landing obligation will be introduced in 2015 for external fleets targetting tropical tuna and small pelagics. Details have to be precised, in a European Commission (EC) 'delegated act'.

For developing countries, important risks exist, in terms of sustainability and food safety, as well as associated costs for the implementation of the landing obligation.

In its position, CFFA demands the EC to provide clear answers, and to develop strategies, in consultation with third countries stakeholders, to address environmental sustainability and food safety issues arising from the implementation of the landing obligation.

CAOPA-FENACOPECI’s meeting on the role of women in the contribution of small scale fisheries to food security and World Fisheries Day : CFFA’s report

On the occasion of the World Fisheries Day, held on the 21st of November 2012 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the African Confederation of Small Scale Fisheries Professional organizations (CAOPA) and the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives in Ivory Coast (FENACOPECI) organized a meeting with experts and women representatives of the small scale fishery sector of 16 African countries on the following topic: “Improving the contribution of artisanal fisheries to food security: The role of women”.

This workshop was organized from the 18th until the 21st of November 2012 in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast, with the support and collaboration of CFFA, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC), Pain pour le Monde, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ISCF) and Journalists network for sustainable fisheries in West Africa (REJOPRAO)

During these three days, participants made some field visits (aquaculture site and landing/processing site) and proceeded to debates and exchanges which allowed to elaborate recommendations to include in the Voluntary guidelines for sustainable small scale fisheries, in the framework of the consultation process, directed by FAO. The Abidjan Declaration, which was read on the World Fisheries Day was also written on the basis on the work from the working groups.

On November the 22nd, a meeting was organized by ICSF in order to improve the work on FAO voluntary guidelines.

See the full report and the Abidjan Declaration.