Financialisation is considered to be the fundamental dynamic that contributes to inequalities in the world, while also a threat to democracy because it transfers the ownership and control of so much to a small group of financial investors and institutions, with the only goal of maximising profits.
The EU new approach on blue economy should recognize that artisanal fisheries are the main provider of "Ocean Livelihoods" in Africa
Key issues for EU-Mauritius SFPA negotiations: Tuna stocks sustainability, post-covid19 recovery for the local sector and transparency
The smoke and mirrors of Blue economy bonanza make African women fish processors choke
A better 2021
International Ocean Governance: more can be done to promote socially and environmentally sustainable fisheries
World Fisheries Day: How the EU can support sustainable African artisanal fisheries
In this declaration on the occasion of World Fisheries Day, CFFA calls on the European Union to integrate the FAO Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale fisheries into all its policies that have an impact on this sector, particularly in the Blue Economy and Farm to Fork strategies and in its external action.
Replacing fisheries and decarbonizing the sector? We should not expect it from industrial aquaculture
This position paper explores the false promises of industrial aquaculture, highlights the key sustainability issues of promoting farming of carnivorous fish species, such as salmon, underscores the environmental and social impacts throughout the whole value chain and explains why the EU should stop promoting seafood coming from industrial aquaculture and instead focus on promoting sustainable small-scale and low impact fisheries and aquaculture.
Why the current African Union’s blue economy strategy threatens small-scale fisheries
CFFA and partners sign on to the Blue Manifesto to encourage the EU to become a global leader for healthy oceans
Is Blue Growth compatible with securing small scale fisheries ?
New IPCC-report on Climate Change and the State of Our Oceans: Will this expose the fallacy of Blue growthism?
The launch on Friday of the report on oceans by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an opportunity to challenge the ecological credentials of the ‘blue growth’ concept. This dangerously claims that economic growth in ocean industries can be done in a sustainable way. However it is now urgent that this unproven claim is scrutinised, and alternatives to economic growth for ocean economies are given more serious attention.
How BP is drilling through one of the world’s largest deep-water coral reefs
The climate crisis in African fisheries: The EU must end fossil fuel investments
From blue growth to the “blue commons”
Blue Bond: Saving your fish or bankrupting the oceans?
Is the EU's Blue Growth Strategy a model for Africa?
Small-scale fisheries: Caught between the devil and the deep blue growth?
The idea of the blue economy, presented on the international stage at Rio+20, has led to a surge in interest for achieving 'blue growth'. The idea of blue growth has led to different interpretations, including the EU's Blue Growth Strategy and the FAO's Blue Growth Initiative. For the small-scale sector these efforts to achieve blue growth offer both opportunities and risks. The policy implications need to be considered further so that small-scale fishers can play a proactive role in shaping blue growth reforms and investments.