Why the $700 billion funding gap for biodiversity is dangerous nonsense: Implications for the oceans and small-scale fisheries

Why the $700 billion funding gap for biodiversity is dangerous nonsense: Implications for the oceans and small-scale fisheries

Closing the funding gap for biodiversity conservation is one of the critical topics at COP 16 and has been estimated at US$700 billion in the report "Financing Nature" published in 2020. However, this article critiques the estimate, arguing it is based on flawed assumptions. Using fisheries as an example, the author questions its validity and urges rejection by those opposing the financialisation of conservation.

Gabon’s Odious Debt-for-ocean Swap: The implications for ocean governance

Gabon’s Odious Debt-for-ocean Swap:  The implications for ocean governance

This article covers TNC’s recent debt-for-ocean swap with Gabon, involving US$500 million worth of debt. In exchange, the Gabonese government has committed to protect up to 30% of the oceans. The author looks in detail at the deal (Part 1) and the conservation commitments (Part 2), explores the problems with this deal in terms of debt justice and of ocean governance, and develops its implications for coastal communities.

Financing the 30x30 agenda for the Oceans: Debt for Nature swaps should be rejected

Financing the 30x30 agenda for the Oceans: Debt for Nature swaps should be rejected

Joint statement - In the delivering on 30x30 and financing conservation, debt for nature swaps are gaining momentum. However, debt swaps should be rejected as they lack transparency and give undue power to foreign organisations over the policies of marine resources management of developing and small-island states.

Debt-for-nature swaps and the oceans: The Belize Blue Bond

Debt-for-nature swaps and the oceans: The Belize Blue Bond

This second article of our series on financialisation and the blue economy covers TNC’s recent debt-for-ocean swap in Belize, news about TNC’s “audacious plan” of other debt swaps in other countries, the history of debt swaps and how the recent swaps reflect the financialisaton of conservation and finally, why these debt swaps are worrying for small-scale fisheries.

Understanding the conservation finance industry

Understanding the conservation finance industry

Financialisation is considered to be the fundamental dynamic that contributes to inequalities in the world, while also a threat to democracy because it transfers the ownership and control of so much to a small group of financial investors and institutions, with the only goal of maximising profits.