AU-EU Summit: High-level commitments, but artisanal fishing communities want concrete action

AU-EU Summit: High-level commitments, but artisanal fishing communities want concrete action

Nearly a hundred representatives of artisanal fisheries, CSOs and African and European institutions participated in the CAOPA webinar "How the EU-AU partnership can support sustainable artisanal fisheries? The perspective of civil society organisations".

EU-AU Summit: African fisheries stakeholders speak with one voice

EU-AU Summit: African fisheries stakeholders speak with one voice

With two weeks to go before the summit that will bring together the leaders of the European Union and the African Union in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2022, the team that has taken over the reins of AFRIFISH - the continental platform that brings together non-state actors in African fisheries - is determined to make itself heard.

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

A FAO report on the impacts of the fish-based feed industry in sub-Saharan Africa calls for “effective harvesting and post-harvesting practices” to prevent fish from being redirected away from human consumption.

Something cool for Côte d'Ivoire women fish processors will give them more power in the marketplace

Something cool for Côte d'Ivoire women fish processors will give them more power in the marketplace

Access to refrigeration is difficult for women in fisheries in many West African countries. With a first trial in San Pedro which has guaranteed the supply of fish to women in Abidjan, now it’s the Grand Béréby women fish processors who are expecting a refrigerated truck, a container and an ice machine. An article by Rich Press.

Local fishing communities’ involvement will be key for making OACPS-EU fisheries relations a success

Local fishing communities’ involvement will be key for making OACPS-EU fisheries relations a success

The new Partnership Agreement between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union, that should be signed in the first half of 2022 in Apia (Samoa), will guide the relations between the two blocks for the next twenty years.

EESC: “Aligning EU food production with SDGs requires legislation to ensure sustainable sourcing”

EESC: “Aligning EU food production with SDGs requires legislation to ensure sustainable sourcing”

During its plenary session on 9 December 2021, the European Social and Economic Committee (EESC) adopted a report on how to align EU food production, which includes seafood production, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals “for a sustainable post Covid 19 recovery.”

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

In this story by Béatrice Gorez and Dawda Foday Saine and first published in the Yemaya magazine in November, the authors look at the obscuring future of women in fisheries in Gambia as the dense fumes of fishmeal factories are being regurgitated into the environment. Fishmeal factories compete with women for access to small pelagics, and encourage overfishing and illegal fishing.

Blue Economy: MEPs call for a “balance” between new sectors and traditional activities, particularly small-scale fisheries

Blue Economy: MEPs call for a “balance” between new sectors and traditional activities, particularly small-scale fisheries

Discussing the draft of an own-initiative report, the European Parliament PECH committee reminds the European Commission that artisanal fisheries are the most vulnerable and fragile sector of the Blue Economy and insists on the strategic role of aquaculture and fisheries as providers of healthy food and jobs for the future.

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

As part of the launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, African artisanal fisheries organisations and their partners met in Saly (Senegal) for a three-day workshop on the issues of access to the resource, governance and sustainability, and the blue economy.

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

The official launch ceremony of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture took place on Friday 19 November, two days before World Fisheries Day, through a webinar in which several speakers provided their visions and expectations for this year.

When the fish do not turn up: seeing the concrete signs of climate change

When the fish do not turn up: seeing the concrete signs of climate change

In this article published originally in French on the website of the Ivory Coast women fish processors cooperative (USCOFEP-CI), looks at the effects of climate change and the warming of water on the artisanal fisheries catches.

Bilbao, rapporteur of the EU-Gabon SFPA: "The Commission should publish the plans and objectives achieved with the sectoral support of agreements with third countries"

Bilbao, rapporteur of the EU-Gabon SFPA: "The Commission should publish the plans and objectives achieved with the sectoral support of agreements with third countries"

A majority of members support the protocol of the second most important tuna agreement for the EU, but the Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur, Roose, highlighted several sustainability issues.

“Finance in Common”: public development banks ignore the communities their investments have an impact on

“Finance in Common”: public development banks ignore the communities their investments have an impact on

The Finance in Common (FiC) summit will be discussing food security and agribusiness, supposedly building on the UN Food Systems Summit, for which civil society already expressed concerns. On this occasion, more than 270 small-scale producers, indigenous peoples and civil society organisations, including CFFA, publish a joint statement.

The EU: “The increased demand for feed for aquaculture should not deprive local communities of nutrition security and livelihoods”

The EU: “The increased demand for feed for aquaculture should not deprive local communities of nutrition security and livelihoods”

In a webinar on transforming aquatic food systems, organized by FAO, the EU and OACPS, participants underscore the important role of sustainable artisanal fisheries value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The UNFSS process continues to raise criticism from civil society organisations

The UNFSS process continues to raise criticism from civil society organisations

Several civil society organisations continue to express their opposition to the choices adopted by the UNFSS organisers two days before the start of the summit, their counter-mobilisation aims at opting for more just, inclusive and equitable food choices.