Artisanal fisheries

"Conservation is not for conservation's sake. Conservation is for us: we need a fair place for communities."

"Conservation is not for conservation's sake. Conservation is for us: we need a fair place for communities."

Driven by a local NGO, which is committed to community development as well as turtle protection, Côte d'Ivoire's first marine protected area (MPA) is an example of how conservation can be achieved while respecting the rights and access of artisanal fishing communities to their traditional fishing grounds.

To go far, you have to be together. The Ivorian women in artisanal fisheries can tell you how

To go far, you have to be together. The Ivorian women in artisanal fisheries can tell you how

This article by Andréa Durighello analyses, through the example of the Ivory Coast, the value of women's cooperatives and associations in African artisanal fisheries: in the professionalisation of the trade, in strengthening capacities, in representing women in professional organisations and, above all, in responding unitedly to the hazards of life.

The number of deaths of African artisanal fishers is devastatingly high, says new research

The number of deaths of African artisanal fishers is devastatingly high, says new research

The FISH Safety Foundation recently published a report ‘Triggering Death, Quantifying the true human cost of global fishing’, which estimates that more than 100,000 persons involved in fishing are killed every year, a number four times higher than the fatalities estimated by ILO.

China's capture of Ghana's fishing industry is threatening food security

China's capture of Ghana's fishing industry is threatening food security

Even though it is illegal for foreign vessels to fish in Ghana, over the last decade Chinese-owned vessels have proliferated. Journalist Kwabena Adu Koranteng investigates how business people well connected with power act as fronts for Chinese fishing industry. Ghana loses 50M€/year but more concerning is the fact that severe overfishing is impacting food security and nutrition in the country.

COFI 35: “Never has there been such enthusiasm for small-scale fisheries”

COFI 35: “Never has there been such enthusiasm for small-scale fisheries”

The 35th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries was a milestone in the history of recognition of the contributions of small-scale fisheries to food security, livelihoods, culture and wellbeing.

“People think the fishing business is for the illiterate, but they cannot be more wrong”

“People think the fishing business is for the illiterate, but they cannot be more wrong”

Three African youth working in small-scale fisheries discuss the challenges they face in their day-to-day and talk about the prejudices and other difficulties that are making the sector not attractive to youth.

Small-scale fishers' "little babel" speaks with one voice at UN oceans conference

Small-scale fishers' "little babel" speaks with one voice at UN oceans conference

Around 20 small-scale fishers, men and women,from 6 continents gathered in Lisbon and jointly called to action” their governments to urgently implement 5 priority actions by 2030.

MEPs call on the Commission to use fisheries partnership agreements as a lever for regional management in West Africa

MEPs call on the Commission to use fisheries partnership agreements as a lever for regional management in West Africa

The European Parliament's Fisheries Committee has highlighted the impact of the fishmeal industry in Mauritania on the food security of West African populations and called on Mauritania, the EU and neighbouring countries to support and "initiate an international dialogue" for the creation of an RFMO for shared stocks.

Guinean Artisanal fishermen complain that Asians are fishing in the area reserved for them

Guinean Artisanal fishermen complain that Asians are fishing in the area reserved for them

According to a decree from December 2021, the so-called "advanced artisanal" fishery that local stakeholders complain about is now officially called "semi-industrial" and is reserved exclusively for Guinean fishermen.

A local initiative to save turtles to turn into the biggest co-managed MPA in Côte d'Ivoire

A local initiative to save turtles to turn into the biggest co-managed MPA in Côte d'Ivoire

The Grand Béréby Marine Protected Area will cover about 2400 square kilometers of ocean and will include a 54 km stretch of coastal water, to be “free from industrial fishing”. Besides vital fisheries, the area is home to endangered populations of leatherback, olive ridley and green sea turtles and threatened populations of sharks and rays.

When people are starving, footage of fresh fish used for fishmeal is disturbing

When people are starving, footage of fresh fish used for fishmeal is disturbing

In Mauritania, artisanal fisheries organisations and civil society are frustrated by their government's passivity regarding the use of overfished sardinella and other small pelagic fish fit for consumption by meal factories.

AU-EU Summit: High-level commitments, but artisanal fishing communities want concrete action

AU-EU Summit: High-level commitments, but artisanal fishing communities want concrete action

Nearly a hundred representatives of artisanal fisheries, CSOs and African and European institutions participated in the CAOPA webinar "How the EU-AU partnership can support sustainable artisanal fisheries? The perspective of civil society organisations".

EU-AU Summit: African fisheries stakeholders speak with one voice

EU-AU Summit: African fisheries stakeholders speak with one voice

With two weeks to go before the summit that will bring together the leaders of the European Union and the African Union in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2022, the team that has taken over the reins of AFRIFISH - the continental platform that brings together non-state actors in African fisheries - is determined to make itself heard.

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

A FAO report on the impacts of the fish-based feed industry in sub-Saharan Africa calls for “effective harvesting and post-harvesting practices” to prevent fish from being redirected away from human consumption.

Something cool for Côte d'Ivoire women fish processors will give them more power in the marketplace

Something cool for Côte d'Ivoire women fish processors will give them more power in the marketplace

Access to refrigeration is difficult for women in fisheries in many West African countries. With a first trial in San Pedro which has guaranteed the supply of fish to women in Abidjan, now it’s the Grand Béréby women fish processors who are expecting a refrigerated truck, a container and an ice machine. An article by Rich Press.

Local fishing communities’ involvement will be key for making OACPS-EU fisheries relations a success

Local fishing communities’ involvement will be key for making OACPS-EU fisheries relations a success

The new Partnership Agreement between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union, that should be signed in the first half of 2022 in Apia (Samoa), will guide the relations between the two blocks for the next twenty years.

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

In this story by Béatrice Gorez and Dawda Foday Saine and first published in the Yemaya magazine in November, the authors look at the obscuring future of women in fisheries in Gambia as the dense fumes of fishmeal factories are being regurgitated into the environment. Fishmeal factories compete with women for access to small pelagics, and encourage overfishing and illegal fishing.

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

As part of the launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, African artisanal fisheries organisations and their partners met in Saly (Senegal) for a three-day workshop on the issues of access to the resource, governance and sustainability, and the blue economy.