Artisanal fisheries

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

The official launch ceremony of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture took place on Friday 19 November, two days before World Fisheries Day, through a webinar in which several speakers provided their visions and expectations for this year.

When the fish do not turn up: seeing the concrete signs of climate change

When the fish do not turn up: seeing the concrete signs of climate change

In this article published originally in French on the website of the Ivory Coast women fish processors cooperative (USCOFEP-CI), looks at the effects of climate change and the warming of water on the artisanal fisheries catches.

Bilbao, rapporteur of the EU-Gabon SFPA: "The Commission should publish the plans and objectives achieved with the sectoral support of agreements with third countries"

Bilbao, rapporteur of the EU-Gabon SFPA: "The Commission should publish the plans and objectives achieved with the sectoral support of agreements with third countries"

A majority of members support the protocol of the second most important tuna agreement for the EU, but the Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur, Roose, highlighted several sustainability issues.

“Finance in Common”: public development banks ignore the communities their investments have an impact on

“Finance in Common”: public development banks ignore the communities their investments have an impact on

The Finance in Common (FiC) summit will be discussing food security and agribusiness, supposedly building on the UN Food Systems Summit, for which civil society already expressed concerns. On this occasion, more than 270 small-scale producers, indigenous peoples and civil society organisations, including CFFA, publish a joint statement.

The EU: “The increased demand for feed for aquaculture should not deprive local communities of nutrition security and livelihoods”

The EU: “The increased demand for feed for aquaculture should not deprive local communities of nutrition security and livelihoods”

In a webinar on transforming aquatic food systems, organized by FAO, the EU and OACPS, participants underscore the important role of sustainable artisanal fisheries value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Gabon-EU SFPA: MEPs call for more transparency on the use of sectoral funds and for precautionary approach regarding deep-sea shrimp fishery

Gabon-EU SFPA: MEPs call for more transparency on the use of sectoral funds and for precautionary approach regarding deep-sea shrimp fishery

After 5 years of being “dormant”, the Commission negotiated a new fisheries agreement protocol with the Central African country, with a focus on developing the local tuna value chain.

“By coming together, we have been able to make women’s voices heard”

“By coming together, we have been able to make women’s voices heard”

In a webinar on mainstreaming gender for Sustainable Fisheries Development strategies, Micheline Dion, in charge of women’s program of CAOPA, talks about the challenges and successes in shedding light on women’s contribution and needs.

Senegal: "If fish is not there, we will not be able to fish, even if they gave us gold canoes"

Senegal: "If fish is not there, we will not be able to fish, even if they gave us gold canoes"

In an interview with Gaoussou Gueye, president of the Association for the Promotion and Empowerment of Maritime Fisheries (APRAPAM), he stresses the key issues that are missing from the agenda for the Presidential Council on Fisheries at the end of May.

The French, the third largest consumers of seafood in Europe, are unaware of the harmful impacts of aquaculture

The French, the third largest consumers of seafood in Europe, are unaware of the harmful impacts of aquaculture

The new report “Dans les mailles du filet” from Changing Markets foundation ranks eight French retailers on how they are addressing the sustainability implications of the farmed seafood they sell.

In Abidjan, women in the artisanal fishing sector offer work to young people

In Abidjan, women in the artisanal fishing sector offer work to young people

To prevent young people from turning to illicit activities such as drug trafficking, or taking the perilous route of migration, fishmongers and processors have sought to find a place for them in the industry, unloading catches and preparing the fish.

Spending the night in the open : The Kouléwondy community continues to use the destroyed fish landing site

Spending the night in the open : The Kouléwondy community continues to use the destroyed fish landing site

One year later, the conflict opposing Hotel Noom to the fishermen and women processors after their eviction from the landing site is at a standstill.

Affordable social housing to improve the living conditions of women fish processors in Côte d'Ivoire

Affordable social housing to improve the living conditions of women fish processors in Côte d'Ivoire

The USCOFEP-CI cooperative has signed an agreement with a property developer for the construction of 500 units that will be put up for rent-purchase for the affiliated women, with the possibility of purchase over 10 to 13 years.