
Senegal's exports of fishmeal and fish oil "explode"

Senegal's exports of fishmeal and fish oil "explode"

The annual report on exports of fishery products confirms the trend: Senegal is becoming, after Mauritania and the Gambia, one of the countries that favours the production and export of fishmeal and fish oil to the detriment of the nutrition of its population.

Senegalese civil society outlines the challenges of the new president's programme for small-scale fisheries

Senegalese civil society outlines the challenges of the new president's programme for small-scale fisheries

In a position paper, APRAPAM questions the government's proposal to support the production of fish feed and insists instead on the importance of a management plan for small pelagics and the prioritisation of human consumption.

UN rapporteur on the Right to Food to governments: “Fishers have the answers to adapt to climate change and you have the tools to uphold their rights”

UN rapporteur on the Right to Food to governments: “Fishers have the answers to adapt to climate change and you have the tools to uphold their rights”

Mr. Michael Fakhri, UN special rapporteur on the right to food presented his latest report on fisheries and the right to food in the context of climate change at the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, putting a special focus on small-scale fisheries.

The message from African artisanal fishers to the FAO: "Sardinella should be reserved for small-scale fishers, for human consumption, not for fishmeal"

The message from African artisanal fishers to the FAO: "Sardinella should be reserved for small-scale fishers, for human consumption, not for fishmeal"

The FAO organised a workshop in Accra (Ghana) from 5 to 7 December on the theme: "Optimising food and nutritional security and the benefits of small pelagic species production in sub-Saharan Africa". In a joint presentation, CAOPA and CFFA warned of the impact of the decline in sardinella in West Africa on fishers, women fish processors and consumers.

Accused of greenwashing and opacity, the French company Olvea replies. Is it convincing?

Accused of greenwashing and opacity, the French company Olvea replies. Is it convincing?

The discussion on Olvea’s role in the exploitation of West Africa small pelagics for fishoil comes as the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct have recently been updated and strengthened, to ensure responsible business conduct regarding their impacts across areas such as climate change, biodiversity and supply chain due diligence

COFI 35: “Never has there been such enthusiasm for small-scale fisheries”

COFI 35: “Never has there been such enthusiasm for small-scale fisheries”

The 35th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries was a milestone in the history of recognition of the contributions of small-scale fisheries to food security, livelihoods, culture and wellbeing.

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

Fishmeal and fish oil production in West Africa destroys the region’s resources to the benefit of foreign countries

A FAO report on the impacts of the fish-based feed industry in sub-Saharan Africa calls for “effective harvesting and post-harvesting practices” to prevent fish from being redirected away from human consumption.

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

Looming clouds in the Gambian coastal skies

In this story by Béatrice Gorez and Dawda Foday Saine and first published in the Yemaya magazine in November, the authors look at the obscuring future of women in fisheries in Gambia as the dense fumes of fishmeal factories are being regurgitated into the environment. Fishmeal factories compete with women for access to small pelagics, and encourage overfishing and illegal fishing.

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

CAOPA celebrates World Fisheries Day and commmits to work for sustainable small-scale fisheries

As part of the launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, African artisanal fisheries organisations and their partners met in Saly (Senegal) for a three-day workshop on the issues of access to the resource, governance and sustainability, and the blue economy.

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

"Small in scale, big in value", IYAFA is officially launched!

The official launch ceremony of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture took place on Friday 19 November, two days before World Fisheries Day, through a webinar in which several speakers provided their visions and expectations for this year.

The UNFSS process continues to raise criticism from civil society organisations

The UNFSS process continues to raise criticism from civil society organisations

Several civil society organisations continue to express their opposition to the choices adopted by the UNFSS organisers two days before the start of the summit, their counter-mobilisation aims at opting for more just, inclusive and equitable food choices.

Senegal: "If fish is not there, we will not be able to fish, even if they gave us gold canoes"

Senegal: "If fish is not there, we will not be able to fish, even if they gave us gold canoes"

In an interview with Gaoussou Gueye, president of the Association for the Promotion and Empowerment of Maritime Fisheries (APRAPAM), he stresses the key issues that are missing from the agenda for the Presidential Council on Fisheries at the end of May.

The French, the third largest consumers of seafood in Europe, are unaware of the harmful impacts of aquaculture

The French, the third largest consumers of seafood in Europe, are unaware of the harmful impacts of aquaculture

The new report “Dans les mailles du filet” from Changing Markets foundation ranks eight French retailers on how they are addressing the sustainability implications of the farmed seafood they sell.