Visit of a delegation of the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee in Mauritania

The issues at stake in the EU-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Agreement were raised in a joint paper by Pêchecops and CFFA, at the occasion of the visit of a delegation of the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee in Mauritania. The paper will be distributed this week in Mauritania.

"In 2006, Mauritania and the European Union have signed a Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) for the period 2006-2012. The current protocol of this agreement, covering the period 2008-2012, provides a 4-year financial support of 305 million euros to the fishing sector, as a counterpart of the acces to Mauritanian fishing grounds. This FPA is the most important agreement between the EU and an ACP state, authorizing EU vessels from 12 member states to fish in the Mauritanian waters. […] Today, the CAF (Coastal Artisanal Fisheries) is the only national fishing fleet to remain viable."

More information:

Pêchecops-CFFA: Challenges for future EU-Mauritania FPA

Tuna Fisheries Management discussed at LDRAC meeting

The issue of RFMO management of tuna fisheries was raised at a LDRAC meeting attended by CFFA, last wednesday in Madrid. It provided an opportunity to present the points raised by Greenpeace and CFFA in June in Brisbane, Australia.

More information:

First Conference of African Ministers of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Banjul

NEPAD and African Union Fisheries Summit: Livelihoods should come first urge small-scale fishers and NGOs

Banjul, Gambia, 22 September 2010. Artisanal and small scale fishers and associated civil society representatives from seventeen African countries met in Banjul, Gambia on 21 September, 2010, in advance of the first NEPAD Conference of African Ministers on Fisheries and Aquaculture (CAMFA) to be held on 23 September 2010. The meeting was organized by the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements, the African Confederation of Artisanal Fishery Professional Organizations and the Commonwealth Foundation, under the banner of "Our Fish, Our Future".

Following the meeting, participants issued the Banjul Civil Society Declaration on Sustainable Livelihoods in African Fisheries ( The declaration highlights key issues in African fisheries and provides recommendations on how the 2005 NEPAD Action Plan for Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture should be taken forward.

The declaration warns that a purely economic approach represents a threat to the sustainable development of fisheries resources and livelihoods of poor marginalized artisanal and small scale fishing communities. It emphasizes the importance and value of small-scale and artisanal fisheries in the African context towards providing food security for 200 million Africans and jobs for more than 10 million people engaged in fish production, processing and trade. It further highlights the negative impacts of climate change, industrial fishing and illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU), including dwindling catches, displacement of communities and the destruction of fishing grounds. In turn this affects the social stability of entire regions, the Declaration states.

The significance of IUU fishing in African waters was echoed by Tim Bostock, Fisheries advisor to United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) in the opening session of the CAMFA on Monday 20th September, who noted that illegal fishing alone accounts for removing fish valued at some $1billion from the waters of Sub-Saharan Africa every year.

The CAMFA is a follow-up to the 2005 Abuja "Fish for All" summit, and African fisheries ministers are expected to assess and validate a fisheries plan of action for the region.

The meeting of small scale and artisanal fishers and civil society organizations is also part of an ongoing process, which since 2006 has included a growing network of West African journalists for responsible fisheries (REJOPRAO). From 15-23 September, the REJOPRAO organized training workshop for journalists, with the objective of focusing on responsible fisheries and related topics and issues in West Africa. Following the training, the journalists from sub region will carry out the media coverage, as observers, of CAMFA.

Since 2005, organizations representing the professionals (fishers, traders, processors and fishmongers) from the artisanal fishing sector have worked to establish a regional body to represent their interests. Earlier this year, this initiative led to the founding of CAOPA - the African Confederation of Professional Artisanal Fishery Sector Organizations.

More information:

WWF/CFFA/Greenpeace Joint Statement on Solomon Islands FPA


Letter adressed to the PECH Committee on Fisheries, European Parliament:

Dear Member of the PECH Committee,

The Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA), WWF and Greenpeace would like to express their support for the Committee’s Draft Recommendation regarding a Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the European Union and Solomon Islands that will be voted in Committee in September.

However, we urge the Committee to press the EC for higher standards in future FPAs. Improvements should focus on:

 Greater transparency; 
 Sustainability and equity of resource exploitation; 
 Coherence with development policy; 
 Integrating the regional dimension and 
 Phasing out subsidies.

It is essential that the EU show leadership in ensuring that its fishery agreements result in improved fishery management capacity for its partners. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to flag these crucial principles for coming FPA negotiations. (Our recommendations are spelled out in more detail in the attached document).

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss these recommendations with you.

Thank you very much in advance.


Béatrice Gorez (CFFA),

Jessica Landman (WWF) and

Saskia Ritchartz (Greenpeace)

Read the recommendations:

EU-Solomon FPA Recommendations

CFFA-EED comments on the UNEP draft "Green Economy Report"


In the framework of the Green Economy Initiative, launched in October 2008, UNEP started working on a global Green Economy Report, together with over 70 research institutes around the world. This report targets decision-makers and aims to identify the key “enabling conditions” required to achieve a transition to a green economy globally, as defined in the report preview published in May 2010.

CFFA’s first input in this process took place during the ICTSD/UNEP meeting on “Fisheries, Trade and Development”, held in Geneva on the 16th of June. Comments were made on the “Aid for Trade” aspects of developing countries fisheries. This discussion and the contacts made with UNEP led us to this official multi-stakeholder consultation on the GER.

According to the agenda, the purpose of this two days workshop was for the authors of the GER to share initial results/key messages and respond to questions and comments from a broad range of stakeholders. The issues discussed at the workshop, together with comments from a technical peer review process (to take place in late 2010), will be assembled for guiding the final revisions of the various chapters: renewable energy, industry, transport, cities, buildings, waste management and recycling, fisheries, water, forests, agriculture, tourism, finance, modeling, and enabling conditions.

CFFA-EED’s contribution to this workshop focuses on the "Fisheries" chapter of the GER and especially on the four proposals made for "greening the fisheries": "Reforming fisheries subsidies and other economic distortions", "Adjustment costs", "Building effective national, regional and international institutions" and "Strengthening regulatory reforms and fisheries management".

More information:

Hearing: CFP reform, the external dimension

CFFA was in the European Parliament on June 22, for the public hearing held by the Fisheries Committee on the external dimension of the CFP reform, where it presented a paper “The Future of Fisheries Partnership Agreements in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy reform”. Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Cherif, from the Mauritanian organisation PECHECOPS also gave a presentation on how the SFPAs can be improved.

More information:

CFFA Workshop on IUU fishing at European Maritime Day in Gijon

On May 19th, CFFA organised a workshop entitled "Implementation of the IUU regulation in developing countries: Organising the dialogue with third countries stakeholders". Developing countries fisheries stakeholders, particularly the small scale fishing sector, are facing specific challenges for the implementation of the IUU regulation.

Although there is still little experience of the implementation (5 months), third countries fishing sector stakeholders (fishermen, exporters, competent authorities, NGOs) already have some examples to share about the concrete issues, - problems and opportunities-, arising from the implementation of the regulation, and suggestions to make about how to ensure the smooth implementation of the regulation, and how a sustained dialogue can be established between the EU and third countries stakeholders to ensure the objective is met: fight efficiently IUU fishing.

Presentations of the panel:

SSNC - Report on EU fisheries agreements in West Africa

Along the West African coasts, EU fishing is contributing to reduced fish stocks and increased difficulties for local fish workers to earn a living.

To Draw the Line, a new report from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) blames the Swedish government for playing a notably passive role in the development of, and during negotiations within the Fisheries Partnership Agreements.

The European Commission claims but cannot ensure that the payments for these agreements contribute to sustainable development and the implementation of domestic fisheries policy to the benefit of coastal communities. To Draw the Line report demonstrates that they do not.

Trade: CFFA’s contribution to the Green Paper

In a global context of decreasing fish resources, the way fish trade is conducted can play an important role for supporting the transition towards sustainable fisheries in European waters and beyond.

We feel there are three important aspects to be looked into in the process of reform:

  • Promoting sustainable fisheries through EU trade (imports) policy; 

  • Ensuring a fair price for the producers;

  • Promoting a change of the consumer’s attitude and adapt labelling accordingly.

Read our contribution:

Trade: CFFA’s contribution to the Green Paper

The future of Fisheries Partnership Agreements in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy reform

Presentation to the European Parliament Development Committee, September 2d 2009 - Béatrice Gorez, Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA), Coordinator

Almost since their inception, at the end of the 70‟s, fisheries “cash for access”1 agreements, and later on, fisheries partnership agreements (FPAs), have attracted criticism. If some attempts have been made to address such criticisms through the Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPAs), the basis for the agreements have remained the same for the EU: the need to secure long term access to third countries fish resources and to maintain its fleet presence in third countries and international waters, paving the way to the failure of this policy to contribute to sustainable fisheries.

However, it needs to be recognised that FPAs have been a unique experience at the global level, to try and reconcile often conflicting interests. In our view, there is however a need for a fundamental change of the guiding principles and framework for EU fisheries relations with developing countries, which would give priority to good governance, environmental sustainability whilst providing an enabling environment for developing countries‟ fishing sectors, particularly the small scale fishing communities. In doing so, there needs to be a careful assessment of the past experience to see how to organise concretely, and for the benefit of developing countries fisheries, the transition towards this new, more sustainable model.

Read the position paper:

The future of FPAs in the context of the CFP reform

Preliminary comments on the Commission proposal for a Council regulation establishing a community control system

“If the political authorities want the CFP to achieve its objective of sustainable exploitation of the fisheries resources, the present control, inspection and sanction systems must be strengthened considerably.”

“If this situation continues, it will bring grave consequences not only for the natural resource, but also for the future of the fishing industry and the areas associated with it.”

Read the NGOs comments on EC proposal


Denouncing the EU-Mauritania Fisheries Agreement protocol: Putting the “Fisheries Partnership” to the test

The European Commission proposes to denounce the EU - fisheries agreement protocol before end of January 2008. The method is brutal; true partnerships are built up through dialogue, not ultimatums. Nevertheless, this could provide an opportunity to review particular aspects of the agreement that may have contributed to the over exploitation of Mauritanian resources and undermined the sustainable development of the Mauritanian fisheries sector.

The European Commission proposes to denounce the EU - fisheries agreement protocol before end of January 2008. The method is brutal; true partnerships are built up through dialogue, not ultimatums. Nevertheless, this could provide an opportunity to review particular aspects of the agreement that may have contributed to the over exploitation of Mauritanian resources and undermined the sustainable development of the Mauritanian fisheries sector.

Read this policy paper written jointly with Pêchecops NGO:

Denouncing the EU-Mauritania Fisheries Agreement protocol: Putting the “Fisheries Partnership” to the test


West African artisanal fishing communities: Facing up to the future

Regional Workshop, December 2008, In Conakry (Guinea)

Preparatory national workshops were held in November 2008 in the eight participating countries, during which the following elements were recalled to give an outline of the international context in which this meeting of the professionals was taking place.

In October 2008, men and women coming from the small scale fishing communities all over the world met in Bangkok, at the time of the Conference of FAO on small scale fisheries, and at the workshop of the civil society which preceded it, to discuss the issues for sustainable small scale fisheries. This world event made it possible to raise awareness with many decision makers and stakeholders, including from West Africa.

Read the report of the workshop:

West African artisanal fishing communities: Facing up to the future

Common Fisheries Policy Reform 2012: Priorities for CFFA

Some elements of the Common fisheries policy, the conservation and fleet policy pillars, are subject to mandatory review by 2012 at the latest. But reforms are already underway in relation to control and IUU fishing. In a working document recently published, the European Commission recognises that it is also essential to address the external dimension of a reformed CFP. The option of the Commission is to go for a broad-based review so as to be able to undertake a holistic assessment of the Common Fisheries Policy.

Read CFFA’s policy paper:

Common Fisheries Policy Reform 2012: Priorities for CFFA

EU proposed regulation to combat IUU fishing: Issues for Developing countries

CFFA generally welcomes the comprehensive package of measures proposed by the European Commission to combat IUU fishing. The proposal foresees actions to be taken by or against flag States, port States and market States as well as actors in the fishing sector all along the chain of custody and will go a long way toward curtailing IUU fishing, both within and outside EU waters, both by EU-flagged and/or owned fleets as well as foreign fleets.

However, although the proposal acknowledges the need to help developing countries to fight IUU fishing, it fails to propose concrete measures to that effect. Without such concrete support, the measures proposed, such as the trade related measures, will constitute new trade barriers for legally-caught fish from developing countries, especially those fish products from the artisanal fishing sector.

Read CFFA’s input at DFID meeting

Court of Auditors report: EU Common Fisheries Policy falls short on IUU

On December 4th 2007, the European Court of Auditors published a Special Report, exposing the failure by Member States to effectively control fishing activities by their fleets and demonstrates the urgent need to seriously strengthen EU control and inspection systems. Despite claims that existing rules are sufficient to prevent or seriously limit Illegal, Unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing by EU fleets, the Court of Auditor‟s report states that “despite recent improvements, the control, inspection and sanction mechanisms in place are not capable of ensuring that the rules on managing the fisheries resources, … are effectively applied.” adding that “If the political authorities want the CFP to achieve its objective of sustainable exploitation of the fisheries resources, the present control, inspection and sanction mechanisms must be strengthened considerably.”

In that context, Development NGOs reiterate their support to the proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. In addition, the Commission tabled a proposal on the management of „Authorisations for fishing activities of Community fishing vessels outside Community waters and the access of third country vessels to Community waters” which, we feel, contains effective control measures and sanctions complementing those in the proposal on IUU fishing. In particular, we welcome the fact that the Commission recognises that the Community has a responsibility, as flag state, in the correct application of the fisheries agreements with third countries. Therefore, we fully support the proposal that fishing authorisations for vessels that have not complied with their obligations during the preceding year, or that have been blacklisted as “IUU vessel”, should be refused.

More information:

Court of Auditors report: EU Common Fisheries Policy falls short on IUU

CFFA position on IUU control for ACFA

Proposal by the European Commission for measures to combat IUU fishing: CFFA preliminary comments

CFFA welcomes the comprehensive package of measures proposed by the European Commission to combat IUU fishing. The proposal foresees actions to be taken by or against flag States, port States and market States as well as actors in the fishing sector all along the chain of custody and will go a long way toward curtailing IUU fishing, both within and outside EU waters, both by EU-flagged and/or owned fleets as well as foreign fleets. However, although the proposal acknowledges the need to help developing countries to fight IUU fishing, it fails to propose concrete measures to that effect. Without such concrete support, the measures proposed, such as the trade related measures, will constitute new trade barriers for legally-caught fish from developing countries, especially those fish products from the artisanal fishing sector.

More information:

The fight against IUU fishing in West Africa: Good governance and regional cooperation are top priorities


Tensions between Sierra Leone and Guinea Conakry around the arrest two weeks ago by the Sierra Leone navy of eight Guinean nationals, including military, police and fisheries inspectors, are still running high.

Sierra Leone says the Guinean nationals carried out a pirate attack on two Chinese fishing vessels licensed to fish in their waters. The Guinean boat was arrested well inside Sierra Leone waters, and the men on board were found with AK-47 automatic rifles and bags of high value fish taken off the two locally-licensed Chinese fishing vessels, the Lian Run 23 and the Lian Run 24. According to Guinean authorities, the men were on a legitimate fisheries protection patrol, although they couldn’t explain what the Guineans were doing within Sierra Leone’s waters.

"That incident shows there is an urgent need for increased cooperation between West African States", said Hélène Bours, expert on illegal fishing for the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA). "If, as would appear from reports received, the Sierra Leone story is correct, this would be a good example of gamekeeper turned poacher. It strongly supports arguments for addressing governance issues and corruption as a matter of priority, rather than simply providing fast boats and other control assets and simply expecting them to be used effectively by the relevant authorities." declared Tim Bostock, Fisheries Support Programme Coordinator for the UK Department for International Development.

The fight against IUU fishing in West Africa: Good governance and regional cooperation are top priorities

Commission Consultation on Rights-Based Management tools in fisheries

For NGOs (see list), the objective of this debate is to determine, by using rights based tools for fisheries management, how to promote environmentally sustainable fisheries that are economically viable, generating quality jobs, which redistribute the benefits generated equitably, and which protect the social fabric of coastal communities.

Given the large variety of management systems currently applied, we think that a first necessary step is to document the best practices that, in the various Member States and elsewhere, promote fisheries that respect both ecosystems and coastal communities, and are economically viable.

On this issue, we would like to highlight that, in order for appropriate management systems to be applied to the particular situations existing in the various regions, “the large variety of management systems currently applied in the European Community and its member states” is a strength. In our view, concerns over transparency and efficiency (which the Commission attributes to the diversity of systems) result more from the way these systems are implemented (opacity of procedures, lack of control, etc) than from their diversity.

Read the NGO position on RBM