It is the last week of the 5th session of the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) and there is an expectation that delegates will agree on a series of topics, including area-based management tools. However, Marine Protected Areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction without further measures to reduce capacity might instensify the fishing effort in EEZs, increasing competition with small-scale fisheries.
Tuna Fisheries Management discussed at LDRAC meeting
The issue of RFMO management of tuna fisheries was raised at a LDRAC meeting attended by CFFA, last wednesday in Madrid. It provided an opportunity to present the points raised by Greenpeace and CFFA in June in Brisbane, Australia.
More information:
Position paper by CFFA and Greenpeace
Greenpeace Briefing on Overcapacity in Tuna Fisheries
Greenpeace briefing annex: Regional Examples