On May 19th, CFFA organised a workshop entitled "Implementation of the IUU regulation in developing countries: Organising the dialogue with third countries stakeholders". Developing countries fisheries stakeholders, particularly the small scale fishing sector, are facing specific challenges for the implementation of the IUU regulation.
Although there is still little experience of the implementation (5 months), third countries fishing sector stakeholders (fishermen, exporters, competent authorities, NGOs) already have some examples to share about the concrete issues, - problems and opportunities-, arising from the implementation of the regulation, and suggestions to make about how to ensure the smooth implementation of the regulation, and how a sustained dialogue can be established between the EU and third countries stakeholders to ensure the objective is met: fight efficiently IUU fishing.
Presentations of the panel:
"Application de la législation européenne de lutte contre la pêche INN : cas de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal", by Gaoussou Gueye, exporter and vice-president of CONIPAS (Sénégal) and Makhtar Thiam, fisheries expert of West Africa Trade Hub (in French only).
"Application de la législation européenne de lutte contre la pêche INN : cas des exportations de produits de la pêche de Mauritanie", by Sid’ahmed Sidi Mohamed Abeid, president of the artisanal section of Fédération Nationale des Pêches de Mauritanie (in French only).
"Fisheries imports in EU", by Concepción Sánchez Trujillano, Deputy Director-General of Community Affairs, Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Areas (Spain)
"Contrôle et Traçabilité: Défis et solutions", by Hélène Bours, CFFA (in French only).
"Implementation of the EU regulation on IUU fishing: Organising the dialogue with developing countries stakeholders", workshop report.