Senegalese fisheries professionals express their support to the government

The National Interprofessional Council for Small-scale Fisheries in Senegal (CONIPAS) sent a letter to the Minister of Fisheries to express its support in the fight against COVID-19 epidemic and to underscore its willingness to help in the sensitization and the supply of sanitary kits on the landing and fish processing sites in Senegal.

In the letter, CONIPAS also reminded its Minister that artisanal fisheries are crucial for feeding the population and highlighted the challenges the sector faces during this crisis. Curfew make it difficult for fishermen to go further enough to fish, whereas these time restrictions also thwart the landing and fish processing activities. On the other hand, movement limitations not only prevent fish access for the more retired provinces but they likewise limit supply to larger markets such as Dakar.

CONIPAS has been very active in the past weeks with regards to the Coronavirus epidemic. Last week, at a press conference, they called on all those involved in artisanal fisheries to respect the instructions given by the Ministry of Health and by the doctors and invited them to “ensure the cleanliness” of fishing landing sites, processing sites, markets in general and, in particular, fish markets.

Sources: CONIPAS and Agence de Presse Sénégalaise

Banner Photo: Aliou Diallo/REJOPRA